Sunday, April 3, 2011

Microblog #44, "Why we Make Mistakes, Chapters 4&5"

This chapter is about how hindsight isn't as clear as we think it is. It shows several statistical studies of people misremembering to put themselves in a better light.

This is...interesting. I'm familiar with the sports gambler phenomena (fantasy football, etc) but I find it tends to be far less prevalent among statistically minded people (who generally, are also the best at predictions). I wonder if this is generally true.

This chapter talks about how multitasking isn't really, with an emphasis on in-car distractions.

Visual distractions are the worst problem for drivers; at some point we'll have voice systems good enough that eyes can be kept on the road while tasks are being carried out. I think the calls for more regulation are a little overblown; at some point, writing unenforcible laws just make you look silly (leaving aside entirely liberty-vs-security/safety concerns).

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