Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Microblog #51, "Living With Complexity, Chapters 1-2"

This chapter explains that complexity is not essentially, since the world around us is complex (examples are given), but rather the problem is unnecessary complexity.

This is another Norman book, apparently more recent than the others. We'll see what he has to say this time.

This chapter re-introduces us to the mental model, rehashes chapter one, explains how a lot of things we think of as simple aren't as simple as we think, and finally points out that the people who are calling for simplicity may be oversimplifying the problem (the irony).

How come he gets to cite Wikipedia and I can't?

On a more serious note, there is a lot of rehash in this chapter. The principle difference in this one almost seems to be a repudiation of the simplicity for simplicities sake that was there occasionally in Design of Everyday Things.

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