Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Microblog #41, "Why We Make Mistakes, Chapters 2 and 3"

In this chapter the authors speculate on what makes things memorable. They advocate the view that it is the meaning they have.

This chapter...I don't know about some of the conclusions they draw from their facts. Anyway, I correctly picked A.

This chapter describes snap judgments, and also areas such as answer test taking on exams where results seem to contradict common wisdom.

This chapter just seemed backwards. The stuff they couldn't explain seemed obvious, and the stuff they tried to explain their explanations didn't sit well.

Take, for example, the pictures of the Senate hopefuls. They said they didn't understand why the guy on the left was more 'Senatorial' looking than they guy on the right, when it was pretty obviously the flag and the pin, at least to me. He looks like a politician, and the other guy looks like a regular guy. (Neat experiment: frame it so you can only see their faces. The guy on the right is still a regular guy, but the guy on the left now looks like a villain from a Sherlock Holmes novel.)

As far as test answers, I'm willing to bet that takers don't change responses unless they're sure. If the common wisdom was that changing answers was better, then they'd only stay if sure and changing would appear to be the weaker approach.

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